We Are Broadcasters
National Association of Broadcasters

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Where You Are

Local broadcasters keep you connected everywhere you go.

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Learn about how broadcasters are serving Americans every day.

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Tell Congress why local radio and television matter.

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We Are Broadcasters: 100 Years of Service

As we celebrate more than a century of radio and television, we are constantly innovating to deliver trusted information and entertainment to our audiences in convenient, modern and familiar ways. Take a look at our newest television spot.

Depend on AM Radio

Depend on AM Radio

From reporting the latest weather updates and providing vital emergency warnings to covering the local high school football game, 82 million Americans depend on AM radio. Despite this, some auto manufacturers have suggested removing AM radio from the dashboard.

Tell your members of Congress why you want to keep AM radio in cars.

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As First Informers, Broadcasters Support Communities through Extreme Weather

As First Informers, Broadcasters Support Communities through Extreme Weather

From daily weather reports to natural disasters, local stations and broadcast networks bring communities across the country the information they need to stay safe and healthy as the seasons change. They provide this powerful service with a lifeline role in our nation's emergency infrastructure, trusted local personalities and critical support to help navigate communities through disaster recovery.

Stories From America's Broadcasters

Broadcasting By the Numbers


Full-Power Radio Stations


Full-Power TV Stations


Million Jobs Generated


Trillion in Economic Activity